is primarily a workshop-based youth/children's theatre focusing on theatre education and encouraging creativity, teamwork and self esteem.

The Act Out Theatre Group Booster Club Diversity Scholarship: Please consider contributing to the Act Out Theatre Group Booster Club Diversity Scholarship Fund. All proceeds raised through this fund will go toward increasing the diversity on the Act Out stage.
To donate, please click here and mark "Diversity Scholarship" in the note.
As part of the theatre's commitment to increasing the diversity on stage, the theatre will give one scholarship per show for any diversity scholarship awarded. The booster club and theatre have a goal to not only to produce quality performances but to facilitate an educational and fun social climate where students ages 4 to seniors in high school can be free to express themselves without judgment, to learn about music and theatre, and to share a common passion among peers.
To apply for the diversity scholarship, please click HERE.
Email booster@actouttheatre.com with any questions or concerns.

The Lorcan Baden Legacy Scholarship: Please consider contributing to the Lorcan Baden Legacy Scholarship, through the Act Out Theatre Group Booster Club. The Lorcan Baden Legacy Fund is a competitive scholarship that is based on need, character and a love of the arts. Anyone interested in applying can click here. Applications are looked at on a rolling basis.
Lorcan has been a member of the Act Out Family for longer than we can remember. Truthfully, he has been with the theatre longer than its current owner and artistic director, Dan Pittman. His first workshop production with Dan was 13: The Musical. His last workshop production was Beauty and the Beast, in which he played Maurice. He has participated in more than 30 of Dan’s 50 workshops (as of June 2024), has been cast in numerous audition-based productions and revues, and has helped with several children’s productions at the theatre.
Known for his love of video games and Scooby Doo, as well as his sense of humor and acceptance of everyone, Lorcan has always offered friendship to anyone walking through Act Out’s door.
Lorcan graduated from Riverside High School in 2024 and thus has graduated from Act Out Theatre Group’s workshop program. Everyone in the Act Out Family wishes him good luck at college. We hope he’ll return to Act Out in the future for annual revues and other theatre productions!
To apply for a scholarship through the Lorcan Baden Legacy Fund, please click here.
To donate, please click here and mark "Legacy Fund" in the note.
Email booster@actouttheatre.com with any questions or concerns.